Piles are also known as Haemorrhoids or Hemorrhoids, which tend to become swollen or inflamed in the lower or internal part of the rectum (internal haemorrhoids) or the skin around the anus (external haemorrhoids).
The signs and symptoms of haemorrhoids depend on the type present, and the most common causes include rectal bleeding. However, in most cases, piles are rarely dangerous but also depend on the effective treatment procedure.
External Haemorrhoids - These occur around the skin of the anus. Swelling, Bleeding, Pain, and Itching around the anal region are some of the known symptoms of the external haemorrhoids.
Internal Haemorrhoids - These occur inside the rectum. Usually, it is rarely discomfort, cannot be seen or feel the hurt. But painless bleeding will occur while passing bowel. Some may notice a minimal amount of red blood in the toilet.
Additional complications include with Haemorrhoids are Anemia, Strangulated haemorrhoid, and Blood clots. But these are rare, although not severe, one can feel extremely painful.
A diagnose will give accurate treatment options to heal haemorrhoids. Therefore, visiting the experienced doctor for consultation will guide you with the physical examination of the anal area. The doctor will ask about the symptoms followed by physical examination.
Your doctor will include both anal and rectum examination:
A digital examination is conducted by inserting a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum to feel the unusual growths.
Your doctor will examine the internal haemorrhoids - that is the lower portion of the colon and rectum using an anoscope, proctoscope, or sigmoidoscope.
However, in some cases, your doctor will need another examination, using colonoscopy, to ensure that the symptoms are not associated with any other disease.
There are several treatment options for Piles. At Surgi Derma, we practice the advanced treatment procedure for treating haemorrhoids. Most of the patients prefer laser proctology procedure over the open surgical procedure for haemorrhoids. It is an overall outpatient treatment procedure with advanced techniques are used.
The coagulation (infrared, laser or bipolar) is an outpatient technique, used for internal grade first and grade second piles. In this technique, the device burns haemorrhoid tissue. The entire procedure takes around 30 minutes and is performed at the clinic under the specialized doctor. It is a complete daycare surgery and is conducted using local anesthesia.
People with large haemorhoids, a small surgical intervention is required. Your doctor might recommend either Haemorrhoid removal or haemorrhoid stapling.
Haemorrhoid removal (hemorrhoidectomy) is one of those techniques, which is performed to remove the excess of tissue that causes bleeding. The surgery can be done by either local anesthesia or general anesthesia. This type of procedure completely removes the piles.
In Haemorrhoid stapling technique, the blood flow is blocked to the Haemorrhoid tissue. It well suited for internal Haemorrhoids.
For mild discomfort, over-the-counter medication such as creams, ointments, or pads is sufficient to heal piles. However, it is recommended to visit the doctor and obtain the best treatment option that can heal piles.
An anal fissure is caused due to a small slit or tears in the lower rectum (anus) line. People with anal fissure can have severe pain and bleeding when passing hard or large tools. Hence, it is immediately needed to consult with the doctor.
Anal fissures or fissure anal is usually occurred in any resulting in abnormal bowel movements due to injury to the passing canal. It can also when the blood flow to the area is decreased.
Extreme or shooting pain in the anus and Bleeding during bowel movements are some of the few anal fissure symptoms. If you experience any of these signs, immediately rush to the doctor.
Consulting with your doctor is the best remedy to get all your answers clear as well as to get the best treatment option.
During the diagnosing process, your doctor will do a rectal examination by inserting a gloved, a lubricated finger into the rectum to feel the fissure. To view the anal fissure visual examination is administered.
The healthcare professionals perform other medical tests such as anoscope, proctoscope, biopsy, or sigmoidoscope.
Most of the fissures heal themselves and do not require further treatment. However, if the fissures do not heal and symptoms persist, then you may have to undergo other treatment options.
Your doctor will employ nitroglycerin externally to increase the flow of blood to the fissure. Nitroglycerin is generally recommended as one of the treatment options if the conservative method fails. Headache is one of the side-effects, which can be even severe at times.
Your doctor may prescribe numbing cream to make the bowel movements less painful and ointments/creams recommended by your doctor in soothing the affected areas.
Sitz bath, which is a special type of warm water bath, can help in healing the fissures and make you feel better. It cleanses all the areas surrounding the hips and buttocks, and it can be used as per your doctor’s intructions.
Botox (Botulinum toxin) is one of the procedures to treat both acute and chronic anal fissures. The treatment is performed by injecting directly into the internal anal sphincter and relax spasms.
If the fissure anal is chronic or failed to respond to other treatments, or your symptoms continue, your doctor will advise you to undergo surgery. The procedure is performed using general anesthesia or with a spinal anesthesia. The type of treatment is generally perform using lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS), by making a small incision of the anal sphincter muscle to reduce the spasm, and minimize pain, and helps in promoting the healing process.
The sphincterotomy can be performed either open sphincterotomy or a closed sphincterotomy process.
The sphincterotomy procedure is done as an outpatient, and the patient can return home on the same day with a self-care assistant. However, the doctor will advise you with diet, which also includes fiber intake of foods.
The surgery performed for fissure anal is more effective than any other treatment options, but with certain complications. Infection, bleeding, and fistula development are some of the potential complications. Moreover, surgery has a risk of incontinence (severe complications). Hence, getting consulted with an experienced doctor helps in the right treatment process with achievable results.
Fistula or anal fistula is a medical term for an infected tunnel that develops inside the anus (between the skin and the opening to get rid of solid waste).
Most of the anal fistulas that develop are the result caused due to an infection in an anal gland. The infection is a collection of pus (abscess) near the skin.
People with anal fistula will experience symptoms such as discomfort, pain, and irritation around the skin.
Crohn's disease, Diverticulitis, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, and infection due to tuberculosis (TB) or HIV are some of the other less known causes of anal fistula.
Symptoms associated with anal fistula are Pain, Bleeding, Swelling and Redness around the affected area. People might also notice Painful Bowel Movements, Fever due to abscess, and smelly discharge while near the anus.
It’s better to consult with your doctor and take the appropriate treatment.
If you are encountering any of the symptoms, consulting with an experienced doctor is always the right way of getting the best treatment. You may also experience the symptoms of other diseases.
Discuss with your doctor about your medical history (if any) and medications if you are currently taking. The anal fistula is usually diagnosed by physical examination, CT scan, and X-rays, are required. You may also have to undergo other tests like colonoscopy, barium enema, sigmoidoscope, or upper endoscopy.
The surgery method is usually needed to treat anal fistula as they rarely heal on their own.
Treatment option for anal fistula depends upon varied benefits and risks. Your doctor will determine the best treatment after the physical examination.
Fistulotomy - The procedure involves cutting open the skin and the muscle surrounding the tunnel. It is performed when the fistula is not close to the anus.
Seton - The procedure is performed for complicated fistula where the piece of surgical thread (seton) is placed in the fistula for about six weeks or more. It helps in draining out the fluid and heal before a further procedure is conducted.
Like any other surgery, anal fistula has certain complications such as bleeding and infection. Despite surgery, the recurrence of the fistula is also one of the possible complications. The surgery also has a risk of incontinence.
Hence, getting consulted with the experienced doctor will help in determining the best treatment option with better results.